
Meet Emmanuela Carratoni: The Multifaceted Artist Behind Cafelab Studio

Meet Emmanuela Carratoni: The Multifaceted Artist Behind Cafelab Studio

Now a freelance photographer and graphic artist everywhere, Emmanuela started her career as an architect in Rome.

Thanks to her yoga practice, she is in love with esoteric themes such as the Moon, hand mudras, and the zodiac that mix into magical figures. Emnanneula has always been attracted to the organic shapes and colors of stones such as agate, amethyst, crystal, and marble and loves to transfer their beauty into her works, adding graphic details to make them shine.

Get to know the talented artist Emmanuela Carratoni of Cafelab in our first-ever Behind The Artist interview!


What does Italy mean to you?

Italy has always been the home of artists and designers so it can be said that the call of art is felt by many, including me. The happy climate and good food then put us in ideal conditions to create! 🙂

Where do you find yourself feeling the most creatively inspired? 

Actually, we can’t travel (many of my artworks were born during my holidays in Kefalonia, a beautiful greek island) so…now it often happens on my sofa, the morning after breakfast and before starting the day … at that moment most of my artworks are born there!

How have astrology and astronomy influenced your work? 

I approached this type of themes by starting to practice kundalini yoga, a very profound discipline, rich in esoteric ideas and linked in a transversal way to astrology and astronomy. But it’s really a long time, since I started playing tarot reading myself!

What made you realize that you wanted to share your art with the world? 

I think it is a matter linked to my profession as an architect, the drive to share one’s creations with the public.

How do you incorporate your architectural background into your art? 

I really like to insert geometric references and rough textures, like concrete, or more noble ones, like stone or marble in some of my artworks.

How do you translate what femininity means to you as an artist? 

I find that femininity is very linked to the lunar theme and the Moon is one of my main sources of inspiration.

What impact has the epidemic had on your work or inspiration? 

At the beginning it was tough, here in Italy we were after China, the first nation affected by Coronavirus and we went into lockdown almost immediately. It was quite terrible… Little by little, however, I realized that designing and creating would help me overcome the hard time, and so I intensified my commitment. Some ideas for phrases used in some artworks comes from the pandemic.

Are you looking to experiment with other aspects of your life to incorporate into your art? 

I would love to be able over time to share a message regarding the female body, femininity and self-acceptance, I’m working on this …

What does success mean for you? What are your rules for success? 

I admit that it is always really rewarding when people write to you to tell you they appreciate your work, I would like to be known more here in Italy … let’s say there are no hard and fast rules; I love what I do and I almost don’t consider it a job, and maybe this can be the only rule, having fun while working!

What’s your favorite piece?

I am very attached to one of my most famous pieces, La Lune or The Moon Tarot, because at that moment I think I have included something in my themes that has given me and continues to inspire me!

What’s your best advice for aspiring artists looking to share their work? 

Always be up to date on current trends and to be constant in productivity, as in the presence on the web.

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